Summer Time June Update
over 6 years ago
– Tue, Jun 05, 2018 at 03:20:52 PM
Hey hey! It’s June and I don’t know where you all are but it’s hot down here in Florida! As the heat continues to rise, so is the production on Deadwood. A lot of things are being put into gear around here so let’s get to it, shall we? One of which is some news that I've been wanting to share. We don't have a date yet as to when this would happen and be implemented but this is what we want to do...In a Twitch Stream of Deadwood, we alluded to pushing out an update to the version of the alpha that you already have. To do this, we need a few things... well, three things. A triforce if you will.
Piece Numero Uno
We needed a pipeline engineer. After a few interviews and searches, we found Liam Page and as soon as he came in, we knew why he was here! That's a puzzle piece inserted!
Piece Number Two
What's next? We needed an animator or the plural form of that. Most of everyone on the Deadwood team was working on the game itself. Q&A, Implementations, Enemy A.I and etc. We looked around at who we have to take on this task and as luck would have it, one of our awesome animators here were freed up and was promptly notified of it :) Now Nick Arbeiter is on duty to animate in Deadwood! A second piece of the puzzle down. IN a sense we could use more of that particular piece but Nick is very accomplished and when more animators come on board, Nick will have given Deadwood a huge headstart in the right direction to streamline the rest of the process.
3rd Strike...Or Piece Number Three.
The LAST piece of this puzzle would be a Level Designer. If you've seen our postings on Twitter, Facebook, and Linkedin, you'll have no doubt seen the announcement for the position. We have very talented people here for sure. James and Adam took on that chore of creating the level you have played. But this is getting us to the End Game. This is still an open position which we have many applicants for. It's just a matter of time before we narrow the search down to the right person for the job to help us craft a great experience for you!
Illustrator On Board
Along the way, we’ve acquired an artist to do some character illustration for Deadwood’s dialogue boxes and scenes within the game. We’d like to introduce to you the madman we know around here as Tanto...
He's just as crazy as he looks.
He can draw. I mean...I would say he's okay. Others would say, he's amazing. I prefer to keep him humble, is all. Be regardless, of the level of which others have placed him, he is indeed skilled with the pencil and has been turning out some pretty cool pieces like the worrisome Mayor and the Flamboyant and Sauve, Phillichop!
Mayor Concept
Phillichop Concept
Twitch Tuesday!
An also...what day is it?! TWITCH TUESDAY! We are doing our bi-weekly Twitch Stream today at 3 PM EST located at Today though will be a different experience. Today, we'll be playing Dauntless from Phoenix Labs. Steamroller Studios had the honor of being allowed to craft the animations for the behemoths in the game and we thought we'd show them and the game off :) Join us today and as always, we'll be here next month with another fine update!
What News from the Mark?
almost 7 years ago
– Fri, May 11, 2018 at 02:40:59 PM
What news from the Mark?
Plenty of things! Including a new sneaky Deadwood and a studio move! Let's get to it!
Root Concept Sketch
While not quite finalized, we've been hard at work implementing the final Deadwood type... ROOT! Unlike the other Deadwood, this guy travels almost entirely underground. He's sneaky and wants nothing more than to steal your defenses. A well placed decoy will bring him out of hiding, and if you're quick enough you can get the kill.
For those that follow the Twitch Streams, you may have seen Root here and there in the form of a rough gray-box model with some crude animation. Even in this early state he's a lot of fun, and feels uniquely different compared to the other Deadwood types.
Moving on up!
So what else? It's our 50th update and we have some news! We have been undergoing quite a few changes here and all of them for the better. Lots of new faces have joined the team and we've been working on a few secret projects. One of which is planning a relocation of the studio. Currently we are located here…
Ye Old Building
We were based out of the old church which housed us at about 4,600 sq ft. We had an awesome time in it. Working and creating memories, but it has served its purpose and done it well. The studio is growing and we need bigger britches, so say hello to our new pair of pants!
Current State
New HQ Mock Up
This is just a before and after mock up of what we are looking at, paint-wise. It will provide plenty of space (for now) at about 10,000 sq ft. Located in Mt. Dora, Fl, this will accommodate our current crew as well as new members as we traverse the digital frontier to create new memories and moments we can all laugh at and enjoy with you. We would also like to take this time to thank each and every one of our supporters and backers that have been patient with us and continued to give their support.
We have not and will not forget you and hope that you enjoy the Deadwood game that we are crafting for you. Also, thanks to the Steamroller Team for all their hard work and dedication. It's because of them that we have come so far with our vision for Deadwood and future projects! Next month, we should be able to reveal a new enemy combatant by the name of Shaman so stay tuned for that! Lots of exciting things coming down the pipe!
Lastly, we haven't plugged any of our Kickstarter friends in a while. If you're interested in a 1/3 scale arcade machine for a crazy price. Check out TimberCADE. They only have about 23 hours left, we just backed them and hope you'll do the same. Check 'em out here!
Till Next Time!
Take care everyone, we'll see you next month for another update, but until then, don't be shy and check out our bi-weekly Twitch stream. The next one will be on the 21st. Till then!
-The Steamroller Team
Twitch Tuesday is here!
almost 7 years ago
– Tue, Apr 24, 2018 at 09:22:08 PM
We are doing our bi-weekly Twitch Stream today at 3 PM EST located at Jump on in and see what's new in the latest build! Maybe there will be a new enemy character even. Till next month!
April Fools! Just kidding, it's an update.
almost 7 years ago
– Tue, Apr 10, 2018 at 10:31:30 PM
Hey everyone! New Month, new Kickstarter update! We're excited to show off a few of the things we've been working on. So let's get right to it...
One of the biggest things we've been putting into the game in a new Overworld system. For an example, think of “Battle Chasers: Night War”. As you traverse through the game, from town to town, biomes to biomes, this will be the setting in which you move. You will see various towns and villages and once there, you can interact with its characters. This will allow us more flexibility to expand the word and make a larger and more expansive story. We can focus on the details in a given area for more meaningful environments.
Battle Chaser:NW "Overworld View Example"
So, what does the mean for certain aspects of the game play? Let’s talk about the survival aspect of deadwood and having to fight off the horde. Along with the Deadwood, time is also your enemy. If you are in the Overworld and you stop moving, time will stop then and only then, but the second you start moving, doom approaches. The only safe places are fortified towns and camps. If you are traveling between them when nightfall lands, travel stops, and you’ll be placed in a biome-centered arena where you will have to place defenses in preparation of the oncoming horde. At night it's all about survival, you will have to battle through wave after wave of Deadwood to continue your adventure through Knottington. There will also be exploration zones akin to dungeons where you may have to find a particular key item, or to scavenge resources.
Early Overworld concept
While traversing through the overworld you will come across many interesting characters and story points. Below is a mockup of what our narrative system will look like. Lots of story going to be happening here!
Early Dialogue system concept
Contest Winner!
So back in Feb, we posted about a contest and to participate, you would have to visit the discuss forum at and say who you are and where you are from. Shout out to David Whittaker from San Diego for winning! We'll be in touch with you shortly!
Contest Prize!
We are doing our bi-weekly Twitch Stream at 3 PM EST located at Jump on in and see what's new in the latest build! Till next month!
Here comes a new challenger!!! March Update!
almost 7 years ago
– Thu, Mar 22, 2018 at 08:27:52 PM
Get ready because Knot and Thorn have joined the fray!!
Knot and Thorn
Knot is the biggest deadwood and also the strongest. He has the ability to charge through your barricade and then vomit acid that will do damage over time. Knot is a bipedal deadwood that walks around with a certain goofiness that makes him feel very clumsy and uncoordinated. He is very lazy like and lacks the interest in using his arms. He can take short sprinted strides but quickly feels sick afterwards and vomits acid.
Thorn is probably the most vicious deadwood. One Thorn will spawn initially, and after a certain amount of time, it will call another Thorn in. All newly spawned Thorns will call another Thorn at the set amount of time, leading to exponential growth if they are not handled quickly. Thorns have a lobbed "grenade" style attack and keep at a distance for most of the time they are alive. When Thorns are at low health, they will begin to explode. If they are killed before they explode, they die harmlessly. If the timer ends and they still have health, they explode and inflict AOE damage around them. There is a chance for an Alpha Thorn to spawn after some Thorns have been in the arena already. The Alpha does not attack but coordinates the rest of the Thorns and when that happens, watch out!
Thorn on the attack
Both of these two vicious foes are being readied and polished to wreck havoc throughout Knottington!